Duration of a presentation is 30 minutes



IS1Statistics for the electronic health record

IP1Selfinteracting Markov Processes

Organizer: Tianxi Cai (Harvard University)

Organizer: Pierre Tarrès (Paris Dauphine University)

Tianxi Cai (Harvard University)

Pierre Tarrès (Paris Dauphine University)

Rebecca A. Hubbard (University of Pennsylvania)

Franz Merkl (LMU Munich)

Jennifer A. Sinnott (Ohio State University)

Titus Lupu (ETH Zurich)

IS2. Statistical innovations in analysis of microbiome and metagenomic data

IP2. Growth processes

Organizer: Hongzhe Li (University of Pennsylvania)

Organizer: Vladas Sidoravičius (Courant Institute and NYU Shanghai)

Dan Nicolae (University of Chicago)

Alexandre Stauffer (Bath University)

Jing Ma (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center)

Omer Angel (University of British Columbia)

Hongzhe Li (University of Pennsylvania)

Zhan Shi (Paris 7 – Jussieu)

IS3. Statistical network analysis

IP3. Loop ensembles, loop soups, and related topics

Organizer: Liza Levina (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

Organizer: Wendelin Werner (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)

Carey Priebe (Johns Hopkins University)

Juhan Aru (ETH Zurich)

Sofia Olhede (University College London)

Nina Holden (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Yuan Zhang (Ohio State University)

Marcin Lis (University of Cambridge)

IS4. Inference for High Dimensional Models

IP4. Value distribution of arithmetic functions

Organizer: Harrison Zhou (Yale University)

Organizer: Eugenijus Manstavičius (Vilnius University)

Zongming Ma (University of Pennsylvania)

Karl-Heinz Indlekofer (Paderborn University)

Alexandre Tsybakov (Pierre and Marie Curie University)

Eugenijus Manstavičius (Vilnius University)

Yihong Wu (Yale University)

IS5. Graphical models

IP5. Random permutations and partitions

Organizer: Robin Evans (University of Oxford)

Organizer: Dan Romik (University of California, Davis)

Kayvan Sadeghi (University of Cambridge)

Ron Peled (Tel Aviv University)

Caroline Uhler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Erik Slivken (University of California, Davis)

Piotr Zwiernik (Pompeu Fabra University)

Piotr Sniady (Polish Academy of Sciences)

IS6. High-dimensional statistical inference

IP6. Stein’s method and applications

Organizer: Cun-Hui Zhang (Rutgers University)

Organizer: Andrew Barbour (University of Zurich)

Ming Yuan (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Robert Gaunt (University of Manchester)

Mladen Kolar (University of Chicago)

Nathan Ross (University of Melbourne)

Stefan Wager (Stanford University)

Yvik Swan (University of Liege)

IS7. Asymptotic analysis of Bayesian methods

IP7. Random graphs

Organizer: Judith Rousseau (Paris Dauphine University)

Organizer: Michał Karoński (Adam Mickiewicz University)

Anirban Bhattacharya (Texas A&M University)

Colin McDiarmid (Oxford University)

Ismael Castillo (Pierre and Marie Curie University)

Andrzej Ruciński (Adam Mickiewicz University)

Stephanie van der Pas (Leiden University)

Lutz Warnke (Georgia Institute of Technology)

IS8. Causal inference

IP8. Algorithms and randomness

Organizer: Marloes Maathuis (ETH Zurich)

Organizer: Ralph Neininger (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Peng Ding (University of California)

Hsien-Kuei Hwang (Academia Sinica)

Marloes Maathuis (ETH Zurich)

Henning Sulzbach (University of Birmingham)

Edward H. Kennedy (Carnegie Mellon University)

Louigi Addario-Berry (Mc Gill University)

IS9. Functional data analysis

IP9. Random graphs and complex networks

Organizer: Hans-Georg Müller (University of California, Davis)

Organizer: Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Aurore Delaigle (University of Melbourne)

Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford University)

Victor Panaretos (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne)

Justin Salez (Paris Diderot University)

Alexander Petersen (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Remco van der Hofstad (Eindhoven University of Technology)

IS10. Statistical inference for infinite dimensional data

IP10. Random matrices

Organizer: Alfredas Račkauskas (Vilnius University)

Organizer: Friedrich Götze (Bielefeld University)

Herve Cardot (University of Burgundy)

Holger Kösters (The University of Rostock)

Vladimir Vasiljevich Uljanov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Alexey Naumov (Skoltech Institute of Science and Technology)

Charles Suquet (Lille University of Science and Technology)

Torben Krüger (Bonn University)

IS11. Functional Data Analysis and applications

IP11. Random matrices: applications to statistics

Organizer: Claudia Kirch (Otto-von-Geuricke University Magdeburg)

Organizer: Ramon van Handel (Princeton University)

Donatello Telesca (UCLA)

Rafał Latała (University of Warsaw)

Clara Happ (LMU Munich)

Marc Lelarge (Research University Paris)

Siegfried Hörmann (Graz University of Technology)

Pierre Youssef (University Paris-Diderot)

IS12. Extreme value theory

IP12. Spin glasses

Organizer: Claudia Klüppelberg (Technical University of Munich)

Organizer: Dmitry Panchenko (University of Toronto)

Natalia Markovich (V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences)

Leo Miolane (Research University Paris)

Gesine Reinert (Oxford University)

David Gamarnik (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

John Einmahl (Tilburg University)

Antonio Auffinger (Northwestern University)

IS13. Extreme value statistics

IP13. Random trees and Random planar maps

Organizer: John Einmahl (Tilburg University)

Organizer: Gregory Miermont (ENS Lyon)

Ana Ferreira (Instituto Superior Técnico,  University of Lisbon)

Timothy Budd (Radboud University Nijmegan)

Claudia Klüppelberg (Technical University of Munich)

Tom Hutchcroft (University of British Columbia)

Anthony Davison (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne)

IS14. Time Series

IP14. Limit theorems with stable limits

Organizer: Yingcun Xia (National University of Singapore)

Organizer: Adam Jakubowski (University Torun)

Vladimir Spokoiny (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics)

Vygantas Paulauskas (Vilnius University)

Daniel Pena (Charles III University of Madrid)

Paul Doukhan (University of Cergy-Pontoise)

Patrick W. Saart (Cardiff University)

Adam Jakubowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun)

IS15. Recent advances in simulation methods for statistical inference

IP15. Empirical processes with applications to statistics

Organizer: Christophe Andrieu (University of Bristol)

Organizer: Jon Wellner (University of Washington, Seattle)

Anthony Lee (University of Bristol)

Vladimir Koltchinskii (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Sinan Yildirim (Sabancı University)

Radoslaw Adamczak  (Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Warsaw)

Christoph Andrieu (University of Bristol)

Jon Wellner (University of Washington, Seattle)

IP16. Game-theoretical probability

Organizer: Vladimir Vovk (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Glenn Shafer (Rutgers Business School-Newark and New Brunswick)

Nicolas Perkowski (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Vladimir Vovk (Royal Holloway, University of London)

IS17. Nonparametric inference under shape constraints

IP17. Insurance mathematics

Organizer: Cecile Durot (Paris Nanterre University)

Organizer: Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich)

Fadoua Balabdaoui (Paris Dauphine University and ETH Zurich)

Richard Verrall (University of London)

Kim Hendrickx (Hasselt University)

Hanspeter Schmidli (University of Cologne)

Bodhisattva Sen (Columbia University)

Gareth Peters (University College London)

IS18. Large-scale data analysis

IP18. Financial mathematics

Organizer: Rajen Shah (University of Cambridge)

Organizer: Yuliya Mishura (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Po-Ling Loh (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Łukasz Stettner (Polish Academy of Sciences)

Gian Thanei (ETH Zurich)

Alexander Gushchin (Steklov Mathematical Institute)

Rajen Shah (University of Cambridge)

Yuliya Mishura (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)

IS19. High dimensional data analysis

IP19. Random convex hulls

Organizer: Ming Yuan (Columbia University)

Organizer: Dmitry Zaporozhets (The Russian Academy of Sciences)

Yang Feng  (Columbia University)

Youri Davydov (Saint Petersburg State University & Lille University of Science and Technology)

Liza Levina (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

Zakhar Kabluchko (University of Münster)

Cun-Hui Zhang (Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey)

Vladislav Vysotsky (University of Sussex and St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Mathematical Institute)

IP20. Excursions of stochastic processes and random fields

Organizer: Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell University)

Hermine Biermé (University of Poitiers)

Arijit Chakrabarty (Indian Statistical Institute)

Raphael Lachieze-Rey (Paris Descartes University)

IS21. Statistics for spatial and spatio-temporal processes

IP21. Infinite divisible random fields and processes and their applications

Organizer: Tilmann Gneiting (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies)

Organizer: Jan Rosinski (University of Tennessee)

William Kleiber (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Nathalie Eisenbaum (Pierre and Marie Curie University)

Andrew Zammit Mangion (University of Wollongong)

Gennady Samorodnitsky (Cornell University)

Eardi Lila (University of Cambridge)

Jan Rosinski (University of Tennessee)

IS22. Change point estimation

IP22. Ambit stochastics

Organizer: Idris Eckley (Lancaster University)

Organizer: Ole Barndorff-Nielsen (Aarhus University)

Hao Chen (University of California, Davis)

Fred Espen Benth (University of Oslo)

Guillem Rigaill (University of Évry-Val d’Essonne)

Jürgen Schmiegel (Aarhus University)

Holger Dette (Ruhr University Bochum)

Orimar Sauri (Aarhus University)

IS23. Bayesian factor analysis

IP23. Limit theorems for stochastic processes

Organizer: Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Organizer: Mark Podolskij (Aarhus University)

Natesh Pillai (Harvard University)

Mark Podolskij (Aarhus University)

Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Maurizia Rossi (University of Luxembourg)

Markus Pape (Ruhr University Bochum)

IS24. Editors’ pick from the Annals of Statistics

IP24. Extremes for time series

Organizer: Edward George (Wharton University of Pennsylvania), Tailen Hsing (University of Michigan)

Organizer: Thomas Mikosch (University of Copenhagen)

Markus Bibinger (Marburg University)

Johannes Heiny (Aarhus University)

Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)

Anja Janssen (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

Axel Munk (University of Gottingen)

Olivier Wintenberger (Pierre and Marie Curie University)

IS25. Algebraic and geometric methods in Statistics

IP25. Stochastic geometry

Organizer: Mathias Drton (University of Washington)

Organizer: Giovanni Peccati (Luxembourg University)

Sonja Petrovic (Illinois Institute of Technology)

Ivan Nourdin (Luxembourg University)

Shaowei Lin (Singapore University of Technology and Design)

Stephen Muirhead  (King’s College London)

Mathias Drton (University of Washington)

Pierre Calka (University of Rouen)

IS26. Statistics under computational constraints

IP26. Stochastic modeling for ecology and evolution

Organizer: Zongming Ma (University of Pennsylvania)

Organizer: Sylvie Méléard (Ecole Polytechnique)

Jiaming Xu (Purdue University)

Chi Viet Tran (Lille University of Science and Technology)

Zhou Fan (Stanford University)

Charline Smadi (Irstea)

Song Mei (Stanford University)

Anton Wakolbinger (Goethe University Frankfurt)

IS27. Bayesian Variational Inference and Stochastic Gradient Methods

IP27. Condensation phenomena in stochastic systems

Organizer: Lancelot James (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Organizer: Ines Armendariz (University of Buenos Aires)

Tamara Broderick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Daniel Ueltschi (University of Warwick)

Daniel Roy (University of Toronto)

Frank Redig (Delft University of Technology)

Sebastian Vollmer (University of Warwick)

Michail Loulakis (National Technical University of Athens)

IS28. Statistical problems in astronomy

IP28. Editors’ pick from the Annals of Probability

Organizer: Jessi Cisewski (Yale University)

Organizer: Maria Eulalia Vares (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Yen-Chi Chen (University of Washington)

Rémi Rhodes (University Paris-Est Marne La Vallée)

Alessandra R. Brazzale (University of Padova)

Gregory Miermont (ENS de Lyon)

Gwendolyn Eadie (University of Washington)

Hao Shen (Columbia University)

IS29. Ranking data and preference learning

IP29. Stochastic differential equations

Organizer: Arnoldo Frigessi (University of Oslo)

Organizer: Kęstutis Kubilius (Vilnius University)

Marina Meila (University of Washington)

Alexander Yu. Veretennikov (University of Leeds)

David Leslie (University of Lancaster)

Etienne Pardoux (Aix-Marseille University)

Arnoldo Frigessi (University of Oslo)

Mikhail Urusov (University of Duisburg-Essen)

IP30. Persistence probabilities

Organizer: Frank Aurzada (Technical University of Darmstadt)

Vitali Wachtel (University of Augsburg)

Christophe Profeta (University of Evry-Val d’Essonne)

Frank Aurzada (Technical University of Darmstadt)

IS31. On robust Bayesian inference in high-dimensional misspecified  models

IP31. Rough paths

Organizer: Peter Grünwald (CWI Amsterdam and Leiden University)

Organizer: Rimas Norvaiša (Vilnius University)

Peter Grünwald (CWI Amsterdam and Leiden University)

Antoine Lejay (University of Lorraine)

Ryan Martin (North Carolina State University)

Peter Imkeller (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Pierre Alquier (ENSAE, Paris)

Ilya Chevyrev (University of Oxford)

IS32. Statistical modeling of self-exciting point processes

Organizer: Rainer von Sachs (Catholic University of Louvain)

Emmanuel Bacry (Ecole Polytechnique)

Francois Roueff (Paris Institute of Technology)

Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich)

There will be two sessions, jointly organized by IMS and ICIAM

ICIAM 1. Uncertainty Quantification

Organizer: Omiros Papaspiliopoulos (Pompeu Fabra University)

Sergios Agapiou (University of Cyprus)

Olivier Zahm (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Kostas Zygalakis (University of Edinburgh)

ICIAM 2. Stochastic models in neuroscience

Organizer: Michèle Thieullen (Pierre and Marie Curie University)

Reinhard Höpfner (Johannes-Gutenberg University)

Etienne Tanre (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)

Michèle Thieullen (Pierre and Marie Curie University)